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WinWhisper Installation Guide

Follow these steps to download and install WinWhisper on your machine:

If this is a fresh installation, continue with step 1. If this is an update continue with step 6

Step 1: Download the certificate

Click on the certificate download button and save the zip file to your preferred location.

Extract the zip file

Step 2: Extract the zip

Extract the certificate to a temporary directory.

Extract the zip file

Step 3: Select the certificate

Navigate to the certificate file in the unpacked directory and double-click to install it on your machine.

N.B. If you get a security warning, press Open to continue.

Accept the security warning

Step 4: Install the certificate in Local Machine

Press "Install Certificate", and select "Local Machine". Choose "Place all certificates in the following store" and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

Check if the certificate is issued by JP Ligthart (jelph ICT) and press "Install Certificate..."

Press install certificate

Select local machine, and press "Next"

Install certificate in Local Machine

Choose "Place all certificates in the following store", press "Browse..." and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

Select Trusted Root Certification

Check if it looks like the image below, and press "Next".

Select Trusted Root Certification

Step 5: Finish the certificate installation

Click "Finish" to complete the certificate import.

Finish certificate installation

Step 6: Download the WinWhisper installer

Click the download button on the WinWhisper download page

Open the installer (msix)

Step 7: Start the WinWhisper installer

Navigate to the downloaded file. Double-click WinWhisper.appinstaller to start the installation process.

Open the installer (msix)

Step 8: Install the application

Click "Install" on the installation screen to finish installing WinWhisper.

Press Install to start installation

N.B. If you are updating the application the button text should say "Update".

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